Monday, 14 March 2011

Waves of Democracy Youth Conference-2011 "SERBI"

Waves of Democracy Serbia 2011 is organised by IUC-Europe and Global Citizen in co-operation with European Movement Serbia. Waves of Democracy 2011 takes place in Belgrade, Serbia. The event starts on June 30 and ends on July 7 2011.
The follow up project in Belgrade 2011 will take its starting-point in the results from the 2010 seminar, but will be more ambitious and structured. It will have 2 major strands:
-          Networking seminar for the newly established network YouCi and other European youth networks, who will be invited to share experiences, best practices and knowledge. A major player in this part of the seminar will be IUC Europe´s partner Global Citizen, who has set up an open innovation virtual platform for global solutions – a unique tool for students, academics and decision – makers.

Apply Now "GYO"